
l e e  h y e r i    //    n i n e t e e n    //    s t r a i g h t  &  s i n g l e


due to how poor her parents were, hyeri ended up going in a foster home. they told
her that she would be better there, that she would have everything she'd need. but
obviously, they were kind of wrong since she felt alone most of the time. yes, she had
a comfortable bed to sleep on, she had food on her plate each and every day . . but there's
one thing she didn't have, and missed more than anything else; the love her parents
were once giving to her. now that she was far away from them, not knowing where they
were at, she felt alone most of the time and had no one to talk to. she became very quiet
and found it very hard to open up to anyone. she keeps hoping that one day, someone will
end up loving her as much as she would love them, and fill the emptiness in her heart.