Personal Message


001: Living in the time zone +9, but I might just as well be online during nighttime.
002: I just can't stand one-liners. Our plot will probably die after a while if you can't come up with more than just one sentence, sorry.
003: My character's feelings does not reflect my own. This is just a roleplay, don't on me if your character has done something to upset mine..
004: Don't just agree to roleplay with me if you're just going to ignore the out of me later on. It's your job to keep track on your own posts, not mine. Don't expect me to remind you everytime you "forget".
I am not a native English speaker, so don't judge my grammar. It's okay to tell me sometimes when I'm doing it wrong, but don't make it a habit.
006: Prefers plots, but we can just wing it if you'd like.
007: I am nicer than I seem... maybe

Choi Junhong
Nickname: Zelo.
DOB: October 15, 1996.
Height: 184 cm.
Weight: 64 kg.
Blood Type: A.
Relation: single.
Taken by:
Orientation: gay.
Likes: bla bla bla.
Dislikes: bla bla bla.
Thoughts: bla bla bla.
Eyecandy: myself.
Eargasm: bla bla bla.
Crushing?: nope.
(name) - (name) - (name) - (name)
About me.
"What would life be without some struggles? You wouldn't be able to enjoy the glimpses of lights if there never was any darkness. My life has never been any different from many others as I grew up in a rather average family with my parents any my brother. I was the youngest in my family and got the attention every child is craving for, but at the same time I had much to live up to. You know, my brother was really successful academically whilst I was struggling through every class with result that barely were something to show for my parents. Even if school was like a hell to me I did have a bunch of friends, or at least I thought I did. They were pushing me to do things I never wanted, to be seen as a rebellious kid with a bad attitude. It became harder to look my mother in the eyes as my results became worse and each time the principle called her every time I screwed up. I was a hero in my own class, but trash in my parents eyes.

At an age of sixteen, both me and parents had grown tired of each other. I moved into an apartment with another boy, leaving school to get a job to pay the bills. Now I am working as a waiter with a minimum wage. My roommate is rarely home due to the nightlife he likes to live, while I rather live in the silence."