Personal Message
→ a lil' bit 'o OOC comin' your way ←
a. Cat's are my life source
b. Quoting John Green is a daily activity
c. Tubist aka I play the tuba
d. I'm pretty much a gay man in a teenage girl's body
e. 'Murica ; UTC -5
f. My insulting comments show my affection so don't take what I say to heart
g. A lotta bit of a sarcastic
h. Sometimes I use big words
i. Latin student so that's where I got my idea of being a sprite from
j. Typos and slow replies everywhere
k. My favourite emoji to use ; (◕‿◕✿)
Food, cats, and photography are the entirety of my life.
I dabble in song and dance.
Straight as cooked spaghetti.
Welcome to my world.