Personal Message

"Explosions are really pretty, don't you agree?"













Name: December 25th, 1989
Other Elements: None
Sponsor: The Fire Queen
Weapon: Small, combustable packages, fireworks, bombs, gasoline.


Fighting Style: Chanyeol agressively uses fire and large explosions. He does not use any particular weapons, preferring to make the largest explosions possible in order to obliterate and incinerate his enemy. Although one might think Chanyeol isn't a strategy-based fighter, he does employ strategies in his fights as he is a master at distracting his enemy- making them look left while he attacks from the right. He is powerful in hand to hand combat, and uses gasoline and fireworks to distract and incinerate his foes.

Personality: Chanyeol is hyper-active and cheerful seeming person; an active male with a booming voice that serves to distract people from his true personality and his true intentions. It isn't to say that Chanyeol isn't really a cheerful person, but that certainly isn't all there is to him. Although people are quick to judge him as an invalid threat, Chanyeol is not to be underestimated. Although he appears to be a bit dopey at first, Chanyeol has a razor-sharp side to him that includes his indestructible pride and his vicious battle tactics. The combination of his easy-going cheer and his viciousness on the battlefield has stunned many an opponent, making Chanyeol a force to be reckoned with.

Chanyeol was born into a family that had already produced a competent heir and a beautiful daughter: they didn't have room for another child in their home and they didn't have the resources to take care of him and thus decided to sell him to the training camp when he was two. He has no memories of his parents or his life before he was surrendered to train his fire abilities, only memories of the camp and the older kids that he trained with day in and day out. Chanyeol was a gifted child despite the fact that he didn't take his training very seriously, he was powerful and easily exceeded expectations; clawing your way up to the top as a mono-elemental is a hard thing to do, but Chanyeol managed due to his natural affinity for fire.

Contract:Chanyeol landed his contract with the Fire Queen because of his flashiness and his viciousness. In the fire region it is common to pit the potential competitors against each other, often in vicious to-the-death matches in which the victor is sent to the Milieus and the losers, well, die. Chanyeol had grown up with these people, had always thought of them as his brothers and sisters that he could fully rely on. But they had all known from their first day at the training camp that they would eventually have to kill or be killed, and Chanyeol had no qualms with this fact. He was vicious, cold, and calculating as he systemically slaughtered and incinerated his friends, effectively earning his position.