Personal Message








nAME: wu "kris" yifan

elements: gravity and aether

weapons: anything on the battlefield, throwing knives

sponsor: gemini







"Don't get in my way."
"You're too loud."
"How am I supposed to know?!"
Personality: If you think Kris is cocky just by taking one look at that gorgeous face of his...well, you're one hundred percent right. Not only is he incredibly good looking, he's also really strong to boot. And when I say really strong, what I mean is undefeated. No one has ever beaten or bested Kris in anything: not a game of chess, not a fight, not in anything. He's the best at everything he does, and he always has been. You might ask yourself...What else is there to the boy who has it all? Not much, honestly. Besides his addiction to high fashion, his grumpy temperment, and his tendency to act like he owns every building he walks into, Kris essentially lacks depth. Emotionally, Kris is practically non-functioning. Sure, he can boss everyone around and act high and mighty, but really it's just to mask the fact that he's had nearly no functional human interactions in his entire life. He's unable to handle emotions at all so if you need a comforting shoulder to cry on, please reconsider hugging Kris. Yes, he's tall and handsome would be so awkward as he froze up and would be unable to find the right words to say. "Uh...At least you're not dead. I know your mom died, but at least you're alive.

Biography: Kris was born into a famiy of champions, a family of incredibly strong and intelligent people who were all the best in their fields. Kris' father was a competitor in the Milieus that won by a long shot, absolutely obliterating his enemies and shredding them to tiny pieces with his sheer strength. His mother is a famous trainer in a dojo that trained hundreds of champions, which suffice to say meant that Kris had some pretty high expectations to live up to. He spent much of his childhood being drilled by his parents, being taught that emotions were a weakness, being taught that he had to be the best or else he was completely worthless. Kris spent most of his life going in between being spoled rotten (seeing as his family was super rich) to being trained until his knees knocked together and he fell asleep standing up, which leads to his gigantic ego and his extreme focus on being the best. He's competitve, in a quiet and subtle way where he doesn't seem like he's trying to one-up you, but he is. Kris became a risk-taker when he started studying Aether, though his parents were strictly against it as they wanted him to solely focus on gravity. But Kris had always been fascinated by Aether and by the thought of escaping to other dimensions and exploring them, even at the risk of losing his way back and disappearing for ever amongst the endless multiverses. Perhaps it was his act of rebellion towars the strictly regimented life he lead under his parents thumbs, but Kris' interest in Aether got him into some serious trouble with his parents and all but got him thrown out of the house. His family believed that the only honorable way of fighting was with a mono-element, which meant he had essentially shamed them. Kris's pride did not allow him to seek forgiveness and instead he gladly moved out of their home to continue practicing aether. He had a few dangerous run-ins where he almost lost himself in the other dimensions, but thankfully his gravitational power managed to help him link back home.

Contract:Was there ever any other option? Sure, there were other candidates that were viable options, and sure Kris's fighting style wasn't one-hundred percent in tune with the style of battle preffered by Gemini (who believes in bombarding foes entirely, both with summoned creatures and thrown objects). Kris was chosen because he was powerful and had excellent control over both Aether and Gravity. There were no special try-outs, no battles to determine a winner; just a note in his mailbox one morning summoning him to the Mileus to represent the kingdom of gravity. He wasn't given an option, and he didn't really care anyway. He would certainly participate in the Milieus and prove once and for all that he was the most powerful.

Fighting Style: Kris will send everything on the battlefield hurtling your way at speeds so fast and vicious, even tiny pebbles would tear your body to pieces. He can move his own body extremely fast, become immaterial, and even enter new dimensions so he's tricky to catch. He's cunning and can be ruthless when he needs to be, and will stop at nothing to take an opponent down.