Personal Message

Yoon Bora

yoon bora is a very complicateted human being. She has a past that

she would rather not talk about, and all she wants is to forget it.

she is now the leader of a well known gang, the vendettas. she is

the only female in her group but she is very one really

knows how she got this title, but everyone knows... you do not mess 

with yoon bora. she is a sassy girl and doesnt need love, all she needs

is to be in charge. bora gets appoached by guys almost all the time, but

of course, this independent girl likes her solitude. 



Orientation: straight
Love Status: Single
Taken By: ---

date: ---
Message to lover: ---



age; 23
personality: independent, sassy, fierce, harsh.
occupation: gang leader
gang: the vendettas