Personal Message

Name: Oh Jongin
Age: 7
"Ziyu likes Stitch, Peter Pan, Totoro, bubble tea, cake, cookies and drawing. Ziyu likes to make new friends too! So please, be my friend? Ziyu will share his cookies with you, and we can watch movies or draw together~"









Little Jongin was born on the fourteenth of June to a young Chinese/Korean couple who were anxiously waiting the birth of their first child.  They had only been dating a couple months before they found out they were expecting, being young, the couple were nervous and scared for their first baby and unfortunately they had every right to be. Despite having taken every precaution they could, after all the prenatal vitamins and healthy eating and exercise their little baby ended up coming  four weeks before schedule. Being a whole month premature things weren’t in favor for the three pound little boy that they decided to name Jongin. His lungs weren’t formed all the way and he was immediately put on a ventilator to support him. The small baby was growing stronger and stronger every day but his parents noticed that he was sick constantly with colds and coughs, even as an infant. At his one year check up their paediatrician  suggested they go to get him tested due to his chronic sicknesses and the fact that his growth weight was very behind for a one year now seven years old, turning eight in a couple of months. He loves to play tag in the hallways and goof around with everyone, he absolutely LOVES candy, especially Lollipops.

















