Personal Message

God asked me, "Won't you regret?"

I   II   III   IV   V

Without any hesitation,
I said, "Why would I?"


THE TY PAST: Jung Min Hee was born to your typical, self-destructive parents. Her mother was a drug addict, her father an alcoholic and a gambler. She was like all the other poor, starved children there. She wanted more. The only difference was, she could be more. Graced with a perfect face and a curvy body, Minhee decided that she would be a model. She would be the best and there was anything she wasn't willing to do to reach her goal. She slept with all the biggest names in fashion, did dirty work, ate nothing but a grain of rice. It was all worth it, eventually. Soon, Jung Min Hee became a household name, the top model. She appeared in all the major ads, jumped on the cover of nearly every magazine. She then started her own magazine, stylenada. With such responsibility, she's not as wild as she used to be, but she's not tame either.

PERSONALITY-WISE: Minhee is a person of many faces. There's dorky Minhee, sweet Minhee, y Minhee, and so on. They're all her, but it's just which faces she chooses to show. If you ask somebody about her, they'll probably all have different answers. Most of the time, though, she's pretty out-going and flirty. Inside she's a reserved, intelligent, and slightly broken woman that prefers to hide that behind a wall of laughs, smiles, and jokes. She's a pretty quirky editor, easily identified for her hats and casual wear. In fact, she only dresses up for important meetings and photo shoots. Of course, there's the random night out. An easy-going boss most of the time, she hates slackers and cocky upstarts who think they know better than her. Just don't get on her bad side.








1.  replies and starters may take a while b/c of school and adminning stuff e n e  
2. if i forget a reply or a starter feel free to poke me. just dun please be too persistent; i do have school  a life 
3. please, please, please no one liners orisweartogodiwillkickyououtpleasejustno 
4. GMT +8 for all you stalkers out dere -slapped-  
5. if you ever want to just stop rp-ing with me just tell me first, please, instead of just dropping me and leaving me waiting for a reply that's never going to come. 
6. I'm a really nice person ( I think orz ) so feel free to talk to me OCC :D













now you see
now you don't.
The loser is here ♥. Thanks for being such an amazing co-admin and taking care of everything that I forget-- which is a lot orz. I lubs chu, senpai.