Personal Message
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timezone: gmt + 8
i'm still going to school, so replies won't be quick,
but it would depend if i'm busy or not.
i reply depending on my interest, or how lengthy your para is.
i do para and semipara.
if you invite me to rp with you, please do come up with a plot.
i at thinking about plots. /shot.
if ever my replies take too long, please don't stop talking to me. ; n ;
that would be all... for now.



Jieun was born from a middle class family, her mom being a muggle and her dad being a pureblood. Being the only child in the family, she wanted to pursue what her father did: wizardry. Jieun is a pretty diligent young one. She would try her hardest to make her family proud of her, even though fate tends to differ sometimes. She's the type who's silent at first, but is actually truthfully the happy-go-lucky one. She hates seeing people sad, and tries to make them happy.
She considers being in Hogwarts an honor, so she tries to keep her grades up. She maintains a good reputation among the teachers and the students, and she never failed doing so. She is very diligent, especially when it comes to her studies. She would always ace her classes in Dark Arts and Potions, considering the two are her favorite subjects in the institution. In her fifth year, she managed to gain lots of friends, with her bubbly personality. She's the type of person who puts the persons she loves first before herself.
lee jieun
may 16, 1993 
20 years old
fifth year
the silent type
slightly interested