Personal Message
imperfection is the definition of humanity
but common sense isn't so common anymore
© -benevolent

am not a person that likes one-liners. I absolutely hate them. You might wonder why, and I won't hesistate to share. I hate one-liners because there is no possible way to respond. Understood? Anyways, I might be young but I know what the word mature means. I would like to inform you that I'm not immature but rather the opposite. Sometimes, I might act like a little child or a bratty , but you can't blame me at all. I'd like it if you treated me like someone of your age or older because rather than being childish, I like to be sophisticated. I like it when I'm treated as a person that is not an idiotic child. 

I usually do mirror replies but I don't mind doing other types. I still have to learn other types of writing skills so feel free to introduce me to one. I get annoyed a bit easily. If I haven't replied to your response/starter within a week, don't hesitate to poke me. If you poke me continuously though, I might get annoyed and not talk to at all. Life is harsh; deal with it. If you ask to roleplay with me, expect to be the one starting. If you ask me to start and you had asked me to roleplay, I will simply state this: "No. Please read my OOC note if you haven't and then plot with me. Thank you for your time." Yes, I'm that harsh. I don't hesitate to be mean to people that deserve it.

As stated before, I'm still young so therefore I'm in school. I'm a mere 8th grader and I get a lot of homework due to being in all advanced classes, so I might be on as much nor will I have the time to do a lot of replies. Alongside that, when school starts, I don't have the mood to do any replies so it might take me 5 days or more to reply. Depends on how busy I am.


melt me from
i don't want
Eccentric. Cordial. Clueless. Condescend-ing. Inefficient. Bothersome. These are all phrases that describe Lee Jaehwan. He's not afraid to make new friends nor is he the type to hate people easily. He likes it when people talk to him. If no one is around, he tends to talk to himself or to the air.
lee jaehwan
fifth year



Born to a full-blood mother and a human father, Lee Jaehwan wasn't satisfied with them one bit. Not at all since they left him the moment he was born. His adopted mother told him that when he was born, Jaehwan was sent to their home because his birth parents weren't able to "take care" of him. Figuring out that his parents were self-centered, he wasn't a bit surprised by any of the other stories his adoptive parents had to share. Rather than showing hate at his adoptive parents, he was grateful and loving. He was grateful because even if his birth parents weren't able to take of him, they at least took him in despite not having a baby ever nor knowing how to take care of one. He liked to be around his adoptive parents because they gave him the love that his birth parents didn't.
Arriving at age 13, his adoptive parents told him that he needed to sign up to go to Hogwarts, a school for children that were fulls, halves, or muggles. Jaehwan knew he had to go so he didn't hesitate and registered. It's been a few years and he still lives at Hogwarts, though he is a fifth year and 18 years old. Even if he has matured on the outside, he is still has a three year old child's brain.
Classes: defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, charms, potions, herbology, astronomy, and history of magic.
Plots Available
BEST FRIENDS (Hufflepuff preferred {Male or Female}) - 0/3
This is Jaehwan's little screwing around/having fun crew that he likes to spend time with. They always do the craziest things but sometimes, they talk a little personal and Jaehwan can trust them with his secrets. They're one of the only ones that call him by his real name, Jaehwan.

CHILDHOOD NEIGHBORS (Male or Female) - 0/1
When Jaehwan was a little kid, he had a next-door neighbor that was great friends with his adoptive parents. Since they had a child around his age, the two kids would play around and have fun with each other. They went to the same primary school but split up due to them moving away when Jaehwan was in third grade. Now, they meet again at Hogwarts, Jaehwan being shocked that they are a wizard, too.

ANNOYED GIRL (Slytherin or Ravenclaw Preferred {Female Only}) - 0/1
At Hogwarts, there's a special girl that Jaehwan loves to tease. He always bothers her as much as he can and always picks on her whenever possible. When it's time for projects and teachers let the students pick a partner, he always picks her due to her smart ability and to annoy her.

Jaehwan and his first love (now ex-) re-encounter while just walking around Hogwarts. He got over her, and she did too, but the love they had was special and Jaehwan isn't ready to face her anytime soon.