
▬ hwangminhyun

about  - - - - 

As  a  child  growing  up  in  this  new world  he  often  found  himself  

fighting with his parents because of  his  strong  beliefs .  He  strongly

disagreed   with how  everyone  else  would treat each other because of  

social classing, but as he grew  older  he  was  attacked  by one  of   the 

lower  classes  that he would  strongly defend, they  were  savages. This 

encounter  was  the  cause  of   his parents death.  He   now  lives  with his
ts.   After  that  encounter  he dispised  lower classes  

and  didn't  want  to  bother   getting  to  know  any one  of  them.

Social Class : Ascendant 


▬message to lover 

Can  anyone  get  passed  my  cold  stare
and  warm  my  heart  again ?