Personal Message

mood;   eargasm; music  eyecandy; myself  thoughts; I'm just sane

choi sooyoung

choi sooyoung

최수영  sooyoung  feb.10.1990  170cm  45kg  type O

 always smiling from the heart
Sooyoung is a very timid person, and she always try's to avoid trouble in anyway. She always sees things that are there when they aren't. She is a nice person and always likes to help other people with their problems

 a smile is the best makeup any girl can wear
Sooyoung was originally from the village that is now the village of tranquility, the people of the village always told her that she was  crazy, and that she was seeing people that weren't there. One day when she was sick, all the villagers went to the church for an event, and the all died in a fire. Not knowing of it, she still thought that they weren't there and continued life as if they were still there. When she finally realized that she was alone she decided to make it a place for the people like her, and that they could understand each other.

 i love the way you smile at me
[single]  [straight]  [lover's name]  [since]
message to lover message to lover message to lover message to lover
message to lover message to lover message to lover message to lover
message to lover message to lover message to lover message to lover
message to lover message to lover message to lover message to lover

 mental disorders

-Pathological Gambler


咖啡  layoutshop