Personal Message




dorkytae  was  here !!!    
Princess-Sica-jessica-snsd-33505327-500- tumblr_m7rt2caChW1qmlwl1o1_r2_500.jpg tumblr_mleofzyRr21rhu9a8o7_500.jpg tumblr_mgusigdoKU1rexs64o1_500.png
Ayo Eunji <3 
TaeTae here c: 
the most adorable hostess? xD It's really nice to meet you xD You're really cute and funny and i really hope we can become closer in the future <3 *gives you more candies* #bribe :P
don't get too occupied with serving the guys that u forget about your friends Kays? *winkwink* xD
thats all for now *flying kiss* 
O U O CANDIES! YAYAYAYAYAY! TAENGOO I LOVE YOU! /take da candies; eat all of it/ -3- imma hostess tho. but kay! i won't forget replying to all my lovely fwendz!
photographer- @ pusheen










Le Sekshi banana saying hi!
Hi Ahjumma~ *gives you ice cream* How are you? Thanks for being adorable even though me ish jelly =3=
/take da ice cream/ hoho i'm fabulous~.




jung eunji. 21. hostess. straight. single. not interested.