Personal Message




 Lee Taemin  

 taemin     july 18, 1993      179 centimeters        elf       blood type b 


The Light Prince was born on a bloody day. The day the war had started, though it was unknown to the little price himself. He grew little by little as a human and to this day was waiting for the day he'd reach his maturity - the immortaliy. Being the age of 5 he met his friend and protector, the man that he to this day continues to call hyung. It was him that Taemin feels grateful and loved. Back then when both were young, they did not understand why his mother shed tears as father walked out the huge palace door. He wouldn't understand why all the maids bowed lowly as he came back covered in red paint.

Growing up is a funny thing. This Taemin learned at the age of nine. The same year he lost his precious hyung, the day he was made to swear his life to protect his kind - the same day father was killed leading the army. The dark side felt proud and surely held a great feast for what the light side had lost, yet they forgot the little prince. Taemin was wounded deeply as he couldn't understand what his life came to. Why would his friend do such things? What had the light side done wrongy? It seemed lessons would help. And so Taemin gave up his childhood and adolescence to understand and payback for the pain and loss.

It was exactly ten years later when Taemin was officially given his father's blade in order to represent his kind, to rule them and to lead the army. In many eyes he was a child, yet Taemin knew he'd show everyone what he had hidden inside. He trained day and night for the last ten years not to be just a prince, but for his kind to be proud ofhim. He hated the war that was true, but above everything he just hated the ones that killed his father...The king and queen of the dark side...The parents of hyung.




LOVE is all I need.

For over a hundred times, I think about you and forget about you
The question that fills up my head, what is it that you want?


It was in the same battlefield he dreaded that he saw hyung again and little did he know how different they both became and how wonderfully

bloomed their feelings. It was awfully weird to be the one to confessing to the only one he shouldn't, but it was awfully fantastic too. He belonged to hyung just the same as hyung be


longed to him. And itdidn't matter at all that his secret lover was the darkness prince demon Jonghyun himself.


Belongs to hyung.




Dazzling biases


 ( BIAS )                ( BIAS )                ( BIAS )                ( BIAS )



© Sweet Candy




I'm      Lee     Taemin!


Ni  c e       meet i  n g     you       all  l      h e r e!




Hello! My name is Lee Taemin! Nice ro meet you!



I'm      an     elf       with         s  ome      a   t   t   i   t   u   d  e .   .   .   


S  o      b  e  w  a  r  e!

Please call me handsome!