Personal Message

Age: 23.
Orientation: Undetermined.
Date Turned: Nov, 2011.
Rank: Beta.
Height: 178 cm.
Weight: 62 kg.
Build: Slight, a little chubby.
Hair: Caramel.
Eyes: Hazel/Gold.
Distinguishing Features: He has a lot of scars everywhere. There is not a section of his body which does not have them.
Likes: Baking, pastries, fresh bread, a warm fire, welcoming people...
Dislikes: Being challenged, his weakness, his scars, what he is...
Fears: Losing control & hurting someone, being usurped from his rank, losing Zico's respect.
Aspirations: To run his own bakery again.

Personality: Sunggyu is thick-headed and generally a very untrusting person due to the opposition he's faced since his transformation. He has been outwardly hardened by other's cruelty and appears stubborn, combative, and unapproachable when someone first meets him. However, this tough outer shell is just to protect the fact that he's really as soft inside as the dough he uses to bake with. He is not made for the life he now has to live. It's evident from all the scars adorning his pale skin that he has lost many a battle, barely escaping some with his life. Not that it was worth much. His body is slight, hands dainty and meant to do things which took finesse, not brute strength.
Significant Relations: Beta/Housemate to Zico.

werewolf form:





Before Sunggyu was forced into this life, he was a baker in a small town so far from Lesarya that he didn't even know the
warring kingdom by name. He'd heard tales of it, but they always seemed like the work of fantasy and gossipers to him.
Their town was peaceful for the most part, except for the occasional infestation of small house fairies, and so it seemed that
nothing unfortunate would ever happen. Of course, that peaceful delusion was shattered on one November night when the
full moon rose.

The young man had been busy sweeping the floor of the bakery when his mother came running in exclaiming that a dog
had broken into the chicken coup and was wreaking havoc. Not expecting much trouble, Sunggyu waddled out into the
backyard to confront the animal, wielding only his broom and a lantern. A few good smacks and he was sure it would run
away with its tail between his legs. It was oddly quiet when he approached the hen house, not a single frightened cluck or
frantic flutter of flightless wings… He nearly dropped his lantern when he noticed the bloody feathers and carcasses
about. This would put them out of business for weeks!

His blood was boiling as he stalked into the small coup, ready to kill the beast (yes, with a broom if he must!), that he accidentally
sliced his palm open when he pushed apart the broken mesh wiring. All he caught was the brief flash of golden eyes in the
shadows before he was knocked to the ground and a searing pain shot through his arm. The murderous wolf had locked its
jaws around his arm, thrashing its head as if it was trying to rip it from the socket, and Sunggyu screamed in agony. He tried to
hit the animal upside the head, but it was like his fist collided with a brick wall. If it wasn’t for his neighbor hearing the commotion
and firing on the animal with his rifle then he would have likely lost the limb and maybe even his life. Unfortunately, despite the
shot, somehow the wolf limped off…

It took a good three weeks for Sunggyu to be able to use his arm again, but it wasn’t like they had much work at the bakery
considering all their chickens were slaughtered. With no steady supply of eggs it was impossible for them to make delicious
bread. The stress of having no business and feeling useless was beginning to get to Sunggyu, making him feel ill. Or so he
assumed that was the cause. What he didn’t realize was that with each passing night as the moon got close to being full once
more, his condition worsened. His scarred arm began to ache and he often woke at night crying from the pain. Was he dying?

Then one morning Sunggyu awoke with dried blood caked onto his skin, no memory of what happened the night before.
Yet, for the first time in a while he felt alive! Until he heard the news of a young shepherdess, a right little bo peep, who was
murdered by a wolf with a lame right leg. It didn’t take long for the townspeople to rally and break into the bakery, dragging
his mother out kicking and screaming before setting fire to the building. Rage overtook him and his eyes flashed bright gold
as he fought against them, giving them all the proof they needed. They had every intention of killing him where he stood, but
the monster within Sunggyu had other plans. His body morphed into a beastly wolf before their eyes and he managed to break
free, only looking back to see the horror that crossed his mother’s face at the realization of what her son had become.
It tore his heart to pieces.

Sunggyu became a wanderer, never able to settle down in a place for too long. He began keeping track of the full moon and
made sure to leave the town he took shelter in before the wolf in him could take another life. Of course, it wasn’t a foolproof
plan and there were times his animal instincts got the best of him in the beginning, but as he grew more experienced he learned
to control it. Even so, he was never welcomed when people found out what he was. If he wasn’t driven out of town by a mob of
frightened people, he was run off the land by a pack of werewolves that already claimed it. So the young wolf ran and ran until he
reached Lesarya where it seemed like he’d finally be able to settle down. After battling for dominance with the resident werewolf (Zico),
he became the beta of their pack which was sure to grow.