Personal Message

OOC Corner:

1. No one-liners WHATSOEVER. I don't care if you're busy. I'd rather wait than have you give me one goddamn line.

2. I live in Amurica, more specifically UTC -5 ouo

3. I'm friendly, so hit me up mah homies \o/

4. I like plots. Definitely like plots. I don't mind winging, but I at least want a background and some sort of genre so we have direction. But for the most part, ME LIKEY PLOTS OUO

5. If at any point I found you boring, annoying, or clingy then I will warn you ONLY ONCE and then the next you do it or you don't heed to my warning I will drop you without another word.

6. No god-modding. I want this to be realistic. I will get hit a few times, you will get hit a few times, then our battle ends with whoever wins.

7. I'm a friendly person so don't be shy ^^ I DEFINITELY don't bite ouo Not like certain people here eue;;




who is kim taeyeon?

Kim taeyeon. a female assassin, trained by one of the assassin's order's very best. Despite her gentle and kind-looking features, one may become surprised when facing a battle against her. Although she may not be the strongest in her class, her intelligence surpasses the typical genius and is a prodigy among her fellow assassins. A usually level-headed female. she is willing to do anything it takes to finish the job the most efficient way possible. she is notirously known as nightingale among the templar order and is known for assassinating her targets in only a matter of seconds without leaving a single trace of her existence. although her name is quite known, her face remains a mystery due to her targets always being alone before being assassinated, and anyone who did catch a glance of her face never lived to tell. One could say she's your over-all perfect assassin. Being able to disguise herself well, her efficient kills, an iq beyond compare, and immensely impressive skills in deception. but with every strength there always comes a weakness. hers, being her lack in strength and defense during a full on confrontation. 

Where did she come from?

Kim taeyeon has no recollection of her biological parents whatsoever. Her earliest memory is being taken away from a cold place in the arms of her father/mentor. The man who raised, loved, and trained her was one of the assassin's greatest and was on his final mission before his retirement when he picked her up on the way home. Reasons as to why he did that are unknown to her. Being trained by one of the best from a young age gave her a great advantage. During her summers her father would take her to some rural place for intense training during the next two and a half months, improving her skills. when she would return, her skills would be unmatched towards any of the rest who were training at her age. at the age of 13 she became a part of the order and quickly escalated to becoming a mentor at the age of 18, becoming one of the youngest to ever become a mentor. And at her age, she's only just getting started and is continually striving to improve.






Assassin , Single , Straight , 21 

Skills Distribution: (2)  Accuracy (2)  Agility (1)  Defense (1)  Strength (2) Climbing (2) Aim

Dollars: 30       Weapons: Hidden blade      Occupation: singer, model, writer, composer