Personal Message


Lee Soohyuk
Class: Second Class
Grade: fourth year
ual Orientation: Aual
Timezone: gmt -8 

Lee Soohyuk, seen typically as your average rich boy-jerk. He can't do much for himself as he was pampered and spoiled since birth. The only thing he knows is what he's learned in school, and even his grades are rock bottom, and what his instructor has taught him in self-defense. He's very prideful and gets angered easily when insulted. He has no friends despite his often cocky or flirtatious behavior, so when he's not in the mood or alone, he seems like a broken doll; lonely.


take care of yourself - soohyuk chanced upon this person outside of school and found out they were actually part of the social care group. soohyuk planned to announce it to the whole school so that they'd be subject to ridicule, but soohyuk decided to keep the secret to himself. he uses the secret to make this person run errands and do his bidding. to the school, it seems like this person is his lackey when actually this person is simply a tortured soul trying to keep his secret hidden. soohyuk has known this secret since the end of his second year, thus they've known each other for awhile now. *possible worsening or bettering of relationship is possible after further plotting and roleplaying. [ open to one male/female of the social care class ]
jackass - soohyuk is atrociously mean, but this person manages to irritate soohyuk beyeon sanity. they both loathe each other but this person always manages to have a smile on their face or act unbothered even when soohyuk might get physical with them. when both of them get serious, all hell breaks loose and it won't be a surprise if someone ends up in the infirmiry. [ open to a third or fourth year student of any class (preferably male because of the violence but whutevs) ]
run! - once upon a time ago soohyuk was a curious first year. naturally, like any young teenage boy he believed he was curious about ual things. so he tried to get a girlfriend, and succeeded. however after quick progression soohyuk was embarassed to find he was not '' by this female. at all. he had no ual desire or lust in him whatsoever. it was then that the he discovered he is aual rather than striaight, or homoual or even panual. it was an embarassment to nearly go so far with this female only to find he was incompetant. he avoids this person like oil avoids water. he doesn't want this person to speak out about his lack of ual desire as he sometimes brags and demeans others using his lie. this female generally doesn't bother with telling people about soohyuk, especially since soohyuk doesn't bother her. but once in awhle... when she needs something, soohyuk becomes the perfect lackey. [ open to one fourth year female of first through third class ]
infaturated - this person is seemingly 'in love' with soohyuk. despite his rude and stubborn, often childish, behavior this person still seems to enjoy soohyuk's company. although soohyuk often treats them like crap he has gotten used to their presence. occassionally, soohyuk will do kind things (in his own way) for this person or get flustered with them. [ open to one male or female of first through third class ]
fiancetypical, yes. but soohyuk became engaged to this female in his third year. now being a fourth year, soohyuk feels the wedding bells ringing as his wedding date is approaching. he has no keen interest in marrying her and doesn't really pay attention if her feelings are mutual. [ open to one female of first or second class ]