Personal Message

“i know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising on the ocean. whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into a wash, just like a watery ink on paper." 





pragmatic, hyper-rational, experienced and practical – ziyi zhang was raised under strict expectation and assumption to responsibilities, taught obedience and dedication through structure and reason. contrary to class appearance and accusations, the protection and wealth within wall sina were an earned privilege, rather than an assigned right, and her worth was measured in the extent and applied usage of her capabilities. her primary objective is self-sustainability, limiting concern and protection for ensuring her survival – disregarding her relatives and scarce relationships and swearing allegiance to none other than the symbol of prosperity and ease. she serves the king under her position in the military police, position secured through her determination and persistence within her trainee squad, although she chooses to remain apathetic and distant towards her peers. distinguished as exceptionally skilled in her acceptance into the military police, she maintains her physical condition and skills through rigorous, relentless training, though her experience in fighting titans is limited to occasional assistance of the survey corps and containing titans in defense of the king. continually testing the limitations of the human body, she's slender and lean in form – fit, flexible and agile, having mastered the maneuvering gear to easily navigate any terrain.  mistaken for arrogant and prideful in her abilities, she neither refutes nor accepts the alleged characteristics others assign her, disregarding opinions and secluding herself in the pursuit of survival – cautious, reticent and indifferent.


agility: 10/10 ; Strategy: 9/10 ; Accuracy: 8/10 ; Aim: 8/10 ; Strength: 5/10 ; battle skill: 4/10 ; initiatve: 4/10 ; teamwork: 3/10 ; riskiness: 2/10


BIRTHDATE: FEB. 9, 1979 (34);


uality: demiual;

hometown: suzhou, jiangsu;