I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror. I'm on the right track, I'm on to a winner. I don't know what's right and what's real anymore, and I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore. and when do you think it will all become clear? because I'm being taking over by The Fear. Forget about guns and forget ammunition, because I'm killing them all on my own little mission. Now I'm not a saint but I'm not a sinner.
 Zhang yixing
Yixing is a member of the mafia, though he hasn't been here, let alone this country, for very long. Yixing is from china originally, and was always a good boy. Even now, despite his position in the world, he does his very best to stay true to his roots. He will do work for his boss, but never kill. he is still kind and considerate, he just happens to be part of a potentially dangerous group of people.
Yixing is very quiet usually, and he has a hard time coming up to people and striking up conversation unless he already knows you.
he is wary of his speaking abilities and because of this he's shy and does his best not to speak too much for fear that he'll say or pronounce something wrong. he needs reassurance that he's a good person deep down, even if he is part of this ring of destruction.
october 07 | 21 
single | looking| gay 
a tool for the destruction of humanity