Personal Message
"L'homme nait bon,c'est la sociétée qui le corrompt." -Jean-Jacque Rousseau-
We All Have Stories to Tell
Yoseob always lived in the streets and was "saved" by a man before he realised that guy wasn't good. The man him a lot of times and,because he was thankful,Yoseob didn't say a thing. He was kind of broken at that time and his only "light" was that man. But-- That man wasn't a light. Oh no. He was the Devil himself. He used Yoseob and kicked him out when he didn't need him anymore. Now that he is 18,Yoseob is still living in the streets.
He hates being treated as a pet. He wants someone to love him as him. Not as some sort of toy you can let go of whenever you want. He is cute and nice,but can sometimes be hard to get close to. He can't help it. He was when he was just a kid. And-- He can't forget about it. He is traumatized. He doesn't want to live like this anymore. He wants someone that will give him a house. He really doesn't want to stay on the streets forever.
18 years old \\ hybrid \\ In love \\ Taken \\June 12, 2014
Relashionship statut: Taken
With: Kyumin
Since: June 12, 2014
Owner: N\A