A Beautiful Cat
sandara park ● nov.12.1984 ● 162cm ● 40kg ● type A
Heyyy~ I am Dara, Park Sandara...I am here to find a lot of friends,
And of course a boyfriend...I love you all, and i waiting you my dear
friends!!! /giving hugs/
✽✽✽✽ every cat has nine lives✽✽✽✽
history history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history history
history history history history history history history history history
✽✽✽✽ baby, you make my heart flutter✽✽✽✽
(love status: Single) (orientation: Straight) (lover's name) (since)
message to lover :
✽✽✽✽ friendship is a beautiful thing✽✽✽✽
name . name . name . name . name . name
✽mood; 012345 ✽eargasm; ▲ ✽eyecandy; ♥ ✽craving; ---
✽thoughts; ---I want bubble tea♥