Personal Message
name: Lee Donghae
Nickname: Fishy
Strengths: Strongly built from cutting down trees and such so he can use heavy weapons and has a great aim. Also very educated, light on his feet, and resourceful.
Weaknesses: Very emotional and can't stand the sights and sound of death. Blood makes him want to throw up and seeing a dead body will surely shake things up for him.
Trivia: small scars cover his torso and legs while a long scar runs across his chest. two personalities inside him along with his own. one terribly sadistic, and the other has an obsession for seeing blood on the floor.
Personality: Naive, Caring, Clueless, Ruthless, Cold, Calculating, nice, sadistic, evil, obsessed.
Donghae was born into a loving family as an only child with the two best parents anyone could ask for. He was raised to be nice and and caring, also to be considerate of other people's feelings, which he still is today. His mother babied him endlessly so he has grown up hating violence, fighting, and being mean. He's also very emotional which results in him crying easily. His father took him out into the woods once he was old enough to start learning how to cut wood and such which helped him grow into a strong boy with well built muscles and stamina. His father also taught him to make use of what was around him and how to defend and attack in case anything came after him in the forest when cutting down wood.
One night, Donghae came back from chopping wood only to find his mother, and another man behind her. He tried to yell to her as the man raised the knife but his voice got stuck in his throat and he watched helplessly from behind a tree as she was murdered in front of him. That was the day his two personalities developed inside, both which he has no idea about. One is completely sadistic and loves to hear the screams of his victims before they finally die. The other is cold and calculating, not caring how slow or fast the killing is done if he gets to see blood spilt.
Soon after his mother's death came Donghae's father's and he was left all alone. He didn't let himself fall into depression though and continued living since he knew that would be what his parents wanted. His other personalities haven't showed up till now, since he's at the Hunger Games. They finally have a reason to kill without getting in trouble. so, will it be death at the hands of an insane sadist. or a cold killer who gets it done quick to see your blood spilled onto the floor?
Birth Name: Lee Donghae
Nicknames: Fishy
Birth Date: October 15, 1986
District: 7
Weapon of Choice: Anything with a handle, Donghae can use. Be it and axe or a sword, he can swing hard and because he had to chop down trees, his aim is very good as well.
Strengths: Growing up cutting down trees, Donghae's muscles leave nothing left to be desired. He is definitely strong which allows him to lug heavy weapons, as well as use his hands and legs for close combat. His aim is very well too, and he knows a lot about the forest since he's practically spent half his life in it. His father taught him how to protect himself with anything on hand. This means he's very smart and resourceful in times of dire action.
Weaknesses: Donghae is very emotional and caring. He doesn't like fighting, violence, or blood and just the sight of it can make him feel like throwing up. This is because he watched his mother get brutally murdered at a young age right in front of him. His body has scars all over it from the incident that you best not ask him about. Another weakness is his fear of fire, drowning, the dark, being alone, and dying a slow and painful death.
Trivia: Donghae has practically lived his entire life surrounded by accidents, secrets, and lies. Since all of these weird and brutal incidents occured around him or hurt himself, he developed separate personalities. One is a complete sadist who will stop at nothing to hear the screams of his victim until they die. The other is a cold, calculating killer who just wants to see blood on the floor. And then there's normal Donghae, who isn't even aware he has these horrible personas.
Personality: Naive, Caring, Ruthless, Brutal, Calculating, Sadistic, and more all wrapped into one. e u e