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About Me


Everything happen when he was only ten years old. When he was a little boy with a pure heart and the most beautiful smile in the world. Kim Jongin was one of the happiest children in the world until the obvious happen. One day when he was coming back home from school he assisted to his mother's death. She died right in front of his eyes, she fell on the gray pavement, blood staining her white shirt within minutes, while the short boy kept staring, fists cleching. He ddin't want to believe and the more he blinked his eyes to make the image of his mother falling down, the more he wanted revange.

The years passed and the boy that people once knew was completely gone leaving place to a cold and arrogant teenager. Kim Jongin was lost, lost in his own doubts, lost in his own questions and everything got worse when his powers started to appear, when he suddenly teleported from a place to another, when the voices of people's mind started to echoe on his mind and when his wounds magically healed by his own touch. No, he didn't know what was going on with him, he didn't know if he should run or hide. He was overwhelmed in his sensations and he was alone. Completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

Day after day, the handsome boy tried to find a reason, a reason for his powers but nothing came and when the days became months, the Kim Jongin turned out to be Kai and why Kai? Because Jongin was now gone. Smoke, drink, party that's was the only words that could make his life real, that could take away the pain of having people's thoughts in his head, from freeing himself from his own fate. Kai is an arorgant who doesn't care about what other think or like. He doesn't give a about the world surrounding him. He hates everything but deep down, this lost boy is only seeking for something. He's seeking for someone to melt his walls and make his heart beat once again.

General Information

Name: Kim Jongin/Kai ual Orientation: Biual
Date of Birth: January 14, 1994 Powers: Teleportation, telepathy, healing
Age: 20 Location: Seoul, South Korea
Gender: Male Classes: History, math, nursing

The special


Person's name


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