Personal Message
Royal Bedroom.
Princess Ginger
13 years of age
Princess of Sugar bits
Yeah, hey... uh. Don't really care what you do. Just don't break my stuff, steel my stuff and don't try to eat Ginger Man. He's my creation and if I see you taking a chomp at hin, you're dead. Got it!? Any way, yeah, enjoy yourself I guess. I could care less.
You want to talk? Uh, sure what ever. Talk to me on my wall I'm not doing anything better anyways.
Are you requesting a quest? Then look down below for the list of quests and send me a private message requesting a quest. I shall guide you through it. When messaging me, give me the name of the quest please. Note that some quests may require you to do a previous quest. 
Do you need help finding your way through my castle? Send me a wallpost with your question. I'll help if I'm not doing anything else. 
Hey, listen, I need you to do something for me. (Level xx) Send me a private message, can't let Ginger Man hear this.
If that's all, go away.
ok so I underestimated them. But hey, that's mot a bad thing for them. They don't seem what like they;re as strong as they are. But... they are. They should come back here someday. After they've received their memory back. I want to know all about their past. And hear the stories it took to get it back.