Full Name: Park Hanyoung
Nickname: None atm (maybe Han)
Rank: Maiko
Explanation: Hanyoung was the child of immigrants. His parents had moved to Japan when he was young, almost three, and soon found that due to their Korean nationality, not many welcomed their presence or hired them for work..constantly Japanese born were picked over Mr. Park even if he was more qualified and he worked on and off while his mother ended up being the first to enter the Geisha world..unknown to her husband ofcourse..she meant no harm by it..she was simply trying to help her husband and raise Hanyoung..their father was depressed and drunk as time passed, until one day when he found out what she was up to and fought with her. Hanyoung still remembers the tears on her face and then out of rage and anger, calling her a unworthy woman and a he had stabbed her brutally. Hanyoung was 8, almost 9, and once his father saw him, he grabbed his arm and dragged him off to the Geisha house his mother worked at, leaving him there, considering him a cursed impure child..
Now he is 19, still in training but no longer a Hangyouku, but a Maiko in the famous Geisha house.