Personal Message

Name: Taemin
Creature: Elf
Orientation: (ual orientation right?) Gay
Occupation: Freelance artist who travels around and draws/paints dramatic depictions of death and chaos that has ensued. Is fascinated with the human population that once thrived and tries to visualize their lifestyle.
Writing style: (if this , it's because I'm on mobile and I literally just woke up ;~;)
Living with a group of elves who ran a small charity seemed like a blessing at first and on many occasions, he felt lucky to be alive. This all changed when he picked up a stick and started doodling in the dirt. It was beautiful. He had a natural talent with art, but the high elf in his clan didn't like it. Breaking the stick, the high elf gave Taemin a warning to never draw anything again and then walked away. Taemin couldn't be stopped though. The picture he drew was of what he had imagined a human to look like. They looked no different than elves in his opinion. Doing more art with leaves, mud and eventually his own handmade paint, the clan leader was furious of Taemin's constant disobedience. "Get out." Were the two words that made his world stop. The boy couldn't live on his own. Yet no amount of begging saved him and a simple slap on his face was the last thing his clan gave him. His parents didn't even try to stop him from leaving, nor did his brother or best friend. What was so bad about humans? No one had ever told him. With a heavy heart and eyes red from tears he began his own journey. On his first day out, he had been . From then on, his art took a darker turn, and his eyes grew cold... He hated his own kind... He absolutely hated them.


You may need this- Jonghyun


Kim Jonghyun just came on your profile!

white-splash-md.pngwhite-splash-md.pngOooops I did it again~