Personal Message

Wanna Drool Over Me?



this lady is 22 years old and alwaysin the mood of pleasure, only if you caught her attention. this girl who's born with a mafia family has a quite tough shell, but if you managed to break through her then you won't be able to stay away from her

Good luck and may all the odds be in your favour



Moon hyuna





name: Moon hyuna

mood: normal + bored

eyegasm: you

eargasm: your voice

craving: coffee

orientation: biual

the stars to my moon: Choi seunghyun, tabi chan

the light to my moon: be my friend?

any last words?: Hello there dear, i've been quite lonely and i need some real friends. sorry but i'm not going to give pleasures anymore because i already got my one and only. but we still can be friends and i promise you i won't let you go