Personal Message

the fighter robot  -  (   zelo) .

  i 'd rather bend than break .  
choi junhong ┊ zelo ┊ jello ┊ october 15, 1996
186 centimeters tall ┊ blood type a ┊ 18 year old genius
allies ? talk to me. i bite and bark.
confused ┊ hormonalteen ┊ 다라, 사랑해 .
「 ●   ●   ●  
 district 10  ♥                         ts entertainemt ( b.a.p )
                             - i will ( murder ) you .

Strengths: JunHong has the luck of being tall and quick. He is very fast and has a good deal of strength. He uses his speed to propel the strength of impact. His speed comes from years of running around chasing quick animals on farms in his District. Because of his thin body he can stand the heat much better (which is why he mostly stays in the warmer arenas) than the cold. He is a good climber and can scale even vertical objects quickly. He excels at anything that uses the strength and speed of his legs. He is an formidable opponent in the art of hand to hand combat. JunHong is also very pain tolerant largely due to experiancing pain all the time from his diseage and his huge ego.

Weaknesses: JunHong tends to get ahead of himself; a lot. He is over confident even in things he is obviously not good at. It puts him dangerous situation quite quickly. Because Junhong is so physically gifted he is neither the smartest nor wisest cookie in the jar. He was after all raised in a livestock farm with little to no education that has nothing to do with how to deal with killing and raising of the animals on his farm. Joonhong is sensitive to cold temperature

Personality: JunHong has a superiority complex. He believes he is better than everyone. He always believes in himself; trusting that he can always succeed; he is the one, the special one. He is outgoing and loud, but he isn't the most talkative. He is very sneaky and not the type of person one should trust; at all. He would betray a person in an instant if he thinks its beneficiary to him. He does however have a small soft spot for people from his district, but that soft spot isn't as big as one would think. He surprisingly warms up to people easily, which is actually hard because most people don't have the patience to be kind to him when he's being rude. Although he warms up to people easily, if they have that patience or are forced to be with him, he just as easily can get have that friendly feeling broken. He's sensitive to everything, and those who need to critique him for the greater good or his own good need to be careful about how they speak and present themselves or he will turn on them.

Background: JunHong is an only child born to a family of livestock farmers. As an athletic kid he started to help his family with the animals at a very young age. He soon learned he could run very quickly to gather the animals instead using a herding dog. He gained some toned muscles from carrying and killing the animals they were going to make into food, but strength is not his forte. His family always praised him and babied him which contributes to his arrogant personality. His parents were the sociable ones in the District but although they always bragged of him to other people in his District... Junhong never actually went out and lived up to his reputation. He didn't want his parents to feel burdened by having an unsociable, rude, and ill child. When he was nine years old, his father brought home a girl, Seohee, he didn't recognize to live with them. He's continiously believed that Seohee is his cousin, however the truth is that she is in fact his half-sister and is his father's secret child. His father took Seohee in after her mother died, but only introduced her as a relative's daughter, thus the idea of her being Junhong's cousin. Seohee is five years Junhong's senior, and despite that he's always refered to her as a cousin, he treats her like an adored siblibg. His parents and Seohe are the only people Junhong seems to turn into an angel, or at least a 'normal' person, around. Although Junhong never had any personal interest in the games and rarely watched it closely, he did feel as if the victors were amazing people; strong people, which he often thought he was not at a young age. He actually volunteered for the game because he thought it would be fun to show that he could win easily. He has an acute case of Crohn's Disease causing him to have severe abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, internal bleeding, vomiting/spitting up blood, a extremely reduced appetite and which keeps him extra thin.

Junhong has made many enemies and frenemies throughout the game. He's participated in Game 1, 2, 3, and 6. In the first game he was met with Minho's power over powerful creatures, he broke his ankle and was forced to be helped by others under Minho's attack, Yonghwa, IU, Minwoo, and Dara. Although Junhong was hostile he grew somewhat fond of the group. But by the end they were torn apart by Junhong's hostile behavior. He was slaughtered by all the gamemakers having too much fun in the control room during the final challenge, when he was brought to the healing center he was near death. In game 2 he was after the knuckles, he went after the two tributes who had attained them, vowing to kill or protect them for the knuckles. But he never achieved them for a black cat had stole them both. Junhong stubbornly followed that black cat, Jonghun, until Joonhong appeared infront of Jonghun and various allies. Junhong was largely outnumbered but he persisted. He came looking for Dara here and there and started to fall for her. Eventually he came under Jonghun's wing, and there he became closer to the hostile Yongguk. Yongguk discovered Junhong's illness which brought them very close as Junhong had found someone he could finally depend on. One night as he waited for his 'sorta' allies went out looking for food and such he met Bom, Bom fed him. There he was immediatly attached and one thing led to another and Junhong lost his ity at the age of 15. Junhong always went out on his own hiding from others. One night when he came back as he always does, he found out that Bom had gotten pregnant. Every tribtue and gamemaker was an uproar. Junhong became the target of many tributes for causing Bom grief. He became even more detatched from the rest of the tributes. But once in awhile he'd still find a way to hang out with Dara. Junhong's heart was torn between the two females. Junhong acted like a jerk when he found out the gamemakers had caused Bom to lose their child, causing Yongguk and Junhong's relationship to turn sour. And eventually the final challenge brought him to fight with respected hyung Yonghwa. Because the challenge was in the cold snowy mountains Junhong was pummeled by Yonghwa. In game 3, he swam his way deep into the arena. There he formed a group with Yonghwa, Sunggyu, and Joon. The four were hostile and Sunggyu eventually left the group. Joonhong, Yonghwa and Joon went back to where most of the tributes were camping out, and they fought and chased until they finally took a female hostage back with them, Hyuna. Joon, unfortunately had to pulled out of the game, leaving the group to now be a duo. Yonghwa and Junghong protected their turf and kept their hostage. They allowed the fierce and popular couple Nicole and Mir house with them, knowing some tributes may back off if they thought it was group they were dealing with. He met up with Bom again, but this time she had a male counterpart with her. Junhong was furious, but Bom had found ways to keep Junhong from tearing the short blonde apart (L.Joe). There were a few instances when he met Dara but it was very awkward between the two. For game 4 and 5, Junhong stayed in the training center trying to clear his mind. Once the 5th game ended found L.Joe staring at the game screens. Before he knew it he had initiated a fight with L.Joe. Bom had intervened again, leaving Junhong to feel alone again, but Bom dragged him with. After a few moments L.Joe and Junhong were brawling again. At the initiation of Game 6, he fought with Taeyeon and L.Joe. Taeyeon scraped away but Joonhong went into a bloody battle with L.Joe. During this lengthy fight, L.Joe had tackled Junhong and this caused him to smash the back of his head into the hard asphalt ground. Junhong was weak but persisted on continuing battle with L.joe. Joonhong had to literally drag himself and fight conciousness into the arena. He blacked out after entering. Yongguk found Junhong and wrapped up his head and left his jacket for Junhong as a pillow. Junhong woke up and knew what Yongguk had done, though he could not comprehend why. Junhong ransacked the arena to find Bom and he eventually found her in enemy territory with, as he expected, L.Joe. After some hanging out, Junhong had subconsiously grown closer to L.Joe and started to percieve him as a hyung.

Weapon of choice: Knuckles and Spiked shoes. He is excellent with kicking techniques and hand to hand combat. And the Mace for it's powerful swing.

「 ●   ●   ●  
zelo daehyun himchan yongguk youngjae jongup
we  are  the   B . A . P !

credits to monochromatic. do not steal.



[OOC Corner]
I roleplay as the arrogant and wild pink-haired Zelo here. 
I tend to reply in para+ format. But if you give me nothing I'll reply with nothing.
I only roleplay with people who don't have a god-complex and don't take advantage
of my roleplaying style (i take most, if not all, injuries. even if your tribute is weakling).
Don't be alarmed if I ditch you suddenly. This means you have violated my trust.
Although I'm an admin, as a roleplayer I have no patience or tolerance for people
roleplaying with me. On the other hand, catch me as Kan and I'm sweet as a butterfly
and more lenient and helpful than I should be /bricked I often have a sick sense of 
humour. And I see myself as rather rude, however I'm told I'm cute and harmless... soo
whatever that means.
My timezone is generally GMT-8. I reside in Oregon, which is near Cali for those of you
who aren't aware. Small town girl in a small time state. (you can hear the goats and
chickens from my bedroom at night. just saying.). I'm probably more free than most
people you find  in terms of schedule. But that doesn't mean I'm always in the mood to
reply super duper quick. If you want another reply faster... hit me up three or more
times and I may get the message that you want a reply soon. lmao. 


Yonghwa. Yongguk. Byunghun. Jonghun.

. . .

Friends? Maybe..

Bom. Kwangmin. Nicole. Byunghun. Joon.

. .

I trust you with my life

Dara. Minwoo. Seohee.

 .  . 

You're on my DeathNote.

Yonghwa. Yongguk. Byunghun. Kai. Taeyeon. Jonghun. Nicole. Joon.

. . . . .

[ crossed out people are no longer part of the roleplay ]