
About me:


Name: Park Taejun

Occupation: drama teacher and librarian

Creature: ghost

Orient: bi

Relationship Status: single

physical age: 25

chronological age: 201


Favourite fruit: pear

Favourite drink: water

Favourite color: white

Favourite animal: cats

Favourite magazine: Vogue



He can be a bit shy sometimes, escecially when meeting people for the first time. Sometimes he just doesn't want to talk and sometimes he does want  to talk. The reason why he is so shy, could be that he was diagnosed with a mental disorder, when he was alive.

Now a days he would also forget things really quick and get amnesia for no reason, sometimes he forgets so much that the memories won't come back.



Taejun has been human before. When he was a human boy, he was ually abused by his own father and his mother hated her own son. He would escape from home many times and go to the playground, where he often met this girl, he was so in love in. When he became a teenager, he confessed his love for her and they both started dating each others. When He got 22, they both got married and got one child, which was a son.

At the son's 3rd bithday party, the friend of the son took his uncle with him, which Taejun fell in love with. Taejun sent this man gifts everyday. When his wife found out about it, she killed Taejun by cutting out his brain, which is the reason why Taejun sometimes would forget.

Taejun never rested in peace and often visited the people, he knew. The people, he knew, sometimes saw him. Also sometimes he would walk down the street and nobody would see he was a ghost.  He would maybe pretend he was a human and has also play at theatre, while he was a ghost pretending to be human. 

Now he is a teacher in this school and he wants to learn students both how to act and how to lie and pretend. 

He doesn't want to rest in peace yet, because he likes his life as a ghost and he will rest in peace when he dies again without having bad feelings.


What magic words do you know? I know a word called "mourir insomniaque"
Who is the most flawless women alive? Miranda Kerr
Whom would you like to meet? My favourite actor Leonardo DiCaprio
Which word do you use most often? I (not ego)
Where did you meet your best friend? at kindergarten


more to come...