Personal Message






When Tao met his first boyfriend he thought he was in love...

Every thing seemed brighter and clearer. But when it was time to move their relationship foward Tao was scared and refused his boyfriend, saying he wasn't ready. The man that Tao fell in love with was not the man that he thought he was...because he took advantage of Tao. He him and kept on doing so for 2 years until Tao went crazy and killed his boyfriend in self-defense. When he went to court, the jury said he was insane. Tao had developed a split personality from the trauma. His second personality was a seductive and -driven person who Tao thought was something his boyfriend wanted him to be. So now that Tao has came to the asylum he seeks to find peace and comfort in the quietness and serenity inside of the garden. He spends most of his time there...drawing, quietly singing, and dreaming of the day when he becomes normal. Dreaming that he can have a family and children in a house where he can call home.


EXO Growl Layout Shop.







hey, you! yeah, you!


Luhan luvs chu very much ♡