
Name: Kim Jonghyun
Age: 18
Mental disorder: Anorexia, Depression

Ever since Jr was 8 years old, his parents critizised him alot, they would tell him he wasn't good enough and if they had guests over, Jr would be locked down in the basement. As this kept on, he developed a very selfdestructive behavior. He started cutting and after a while he also developed anorexia. When his parents got tired of him and couldn't handle his behavior anymore, they sent him here. They told him it would only be for a short while so he could "recover" but they knew they wouldn't come back for him


Jr is truly a good-hearted person. It's only the way he's been treated that has caused him to be cold towards new people and it will take a while before anybody can earn his trust, but once you do, Jr will never let you down and will support you to 100% like a true friend.