Personal Message
There is Hyukjae and there is Eunhyuk. Depending on who you meet first, you might get the wrong impersonation of the real one, who is that, you may ask? You won't know.
Hyukjae is your quiet guy who hates company but can't stand to be alone, he sufferes from not only multiple personality disorder but dependent personality disorder as well. He cans aswell. He is a sweet and innocent guy however, when someone treats him right.
Eunhyuk however is the complete opposite. he is always doing something to cause trouble, sleeps around and does drugs. Making Hyukjae seem bad from the start. However when he is around people that he knows well enough, he likes to joke around and pull pranks.
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the precious people i spend my money on
First Meeting
Eunhyuk(OPEN): You just happened to have the worst meeting ever with this guy, pulling some kind of practical prank on you or just being rude to you, however he doesn't want to push you away, Eunhyuk likes you in a friendly way but this is just his way of showing who he is, and gets used to you.
(Note: These are boith two different plots. and you can choose which one to have, or we can just edit them up just a bit)
((Open || Anyone || 0/1 ))