Personal Message

{—Out Of Character}

( p r o f i l e  c r e d i t )

Dear fellow RPers ✉

I really enjoy RPing, and especially enjoy getting to know the people behind all these amazing charavters! However...



------------------------ I have a few things you should know..

--------------------------------------> No one-liners. I've stated this in the rules and frankly. you'll be kicked out if I see you dishing out one---------------------------------------------------------------------------------liners.

--------------------------------------> My timezone is UTC+10. So.. Yes. If we're not on at the same time then that probably means you're on ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------the other side of the world. xD

--------------------------------------> I might seem like a pretty strict admin, but to be honest I'd think I'm rather laidback. I don't just kick you -----------------------------------------------------------------------------out straight away unless you're being rude in OOC. I give you chances to fix ---------------------------------------------------------------------yourselves up and always make -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sure to set examples, trying not to be a hypocrite. (:

                           ✈ DO KYUNGSOO
relationship status: single
taken by: ---- ----
since: ---- ----
message to lover
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⸪  O  K Y U N G S O O  ⸫

Kyungsoo likes to think of himself as a normal fifteen year old boy with a normal family. A bit of a wallflower, though. He can stay strong in the hardest of times and can keep a poker face on when his emotions are playing up on him, but is a submissive boy overall. He's a rather smart fellow - A's, B's and the occasional C's. He's stubborn and immature. He also really, really hates to loose. Do Kyungsoo hates to loose. Kyungsoo is also a neat freak and a germophobe. He's got a rather.. Bad case of OCD.

He's very stingy and petty at times. He perfers money in notes, and usually tries to rid of any coins he has with vending machines or wishing wells. Sometimes if he's feeling nice he'd leave it on a random kid's desk and watch them happily pocket it with a smile.

Kyung. Soo. Is. Four. D. Enough. Said.

Because of Kyungsoo's straightforwardness and stubbornness, he does end up coming off as rude sometimes - He was born that way and won’t be changing anytime soon, so if you can’t handle the Kyung-to-the-Soo, then scatter, latter. Kyungsoo has horrible hearing - Either that, or he's just developed selective hearing. This means you’d have to get used to hearing, “Repeat that, please,” when you two ever speak. Though he's quiet, so most of the times if anyone bothers to notice him and speak to him, he'd just stay quiet even if he can hear you.

When he laughs, it’s always at the wrong times. He has an offbeat sense of humor, and it does get him into quite a lot of trouble sometimes. You could tell him a joke in the morning and he wouldn't laugh, but then as soon as he gets into any kind of quiet or bad situation, he'd burst out laughing once he remembers the joke you told him hours ago. Maybe even weeks ago. Years ago. Who knows?

Onto the next trait - Always doing things by himself. Or.. trying to do things by himself. He never asks for help because before getting things done a bit quicker, his pride and dignity comes first.

He always tries to correct bad grammar and usually, it pisses many people off.

Something that Kyungsoo can almost always be seen doing? Cleaning.

Kyungsoo hates to sweat - Hates it with a passion, and he is extremely turned off by anyone who sweats profusely

Kyungsoo is always running away from the fact that he is gay - He tries to hide it, too. No one ever goes over to his house and no one will ever meet his parents or see how he lives. He doesn't want anyone to know the state he's in.

Kyungsoo has slight temper issues, but has never gone off completely. He likes to write music and loves to act.

Kyungsoo sees all art as, “What ever you interpret it as,” including family photos. Strange, yes, but he's one of those people, ya' know?

He’s a brilliant strategist - Always seems to have something planned for any contingency. Do Kyungsoo is also an accomplished illusionist, but only uses this skill subversively. 

Well – That’s all of Kyungsoo, so.. Hopefully you know what you’re getting yourself into, right?