Personal Message






single// student// trivia
Minseok is what you might call a 'wallflower' when you first meet him. He would prefer to stay out of trouble but ironically sometimes his snarkiness can get him into it.
He doesn't like confrontation of anykind, but, if you piss him or anyone close to him off it's not a good thing to witness trust him on that.
Other than that he is somewhat of an approcable and likeable guy.
Kinks: , blindfold, teacher/student, boss/maid (more to be added)
Dislikes: Daddy/baby kink, Urinal play (whatever you call it), Pet Play




OOC Corner

1. I do third pov/semi para but I could try paragraphs I suppose ^^ It depends entirely on my mood

2. Please don't poke me everytime I don't reply to you .///. Now if I've forgotten you or haven't replied in a week or so then feel free to do so, just, not every hour ^^; Happened before and it's annoying

3. I can handle any type of dark material (, abuse etc) but let's not go too far with the drama. Keep it somewhat reasonable.

(More to be added)