Personal Message
name's yoona. im yoona to be exact. but you can call me yoong. or deer. or maybe yoongie. or- ugh whatever sails in your mind alright. i dont really know the right way to greet people here but i do think using a megaphone and shout to people's ear is not illegal to do. or is it? (/slapped.) i can be sweet. i can be mean. its all depends on how you treat me. im a mirror replier. so most of the time i'll reply according on how you send your post to me. if its long then maybe it'll take more time than the others. so please be patient. dont go overboard because i can be your worst nightmare. no- seriously. but overall im just a nice girl. lmao. so dont be shy and start a conversation with me. i'll gladly serve you with a lot of yeoshin beauty (/winkwonks;slapped.) see you later. bye. /sne.