Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eleifend malesuada vestibulum. Suspendisse eleifend lacinia congue. Phasellus tempus est nec tortor ultricies porta. Aenean vitae nulla elit, in viverra enim. Integer ornare scelerisque justo vel ullamcorper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum dui orci, volutpat vitae pharetra id, accumsan non quam. Morbi risus nisl, pellentesque eget posuere eu, elementum vitae orci. In consequat tellus blandit dui elementum lacinia. Curabitur blandit, libero et sollicitudin pharetra, nulla mi pharetra eros, eget iaculis lacus sem in quam. Donec in nisl lectus. Praesent vel tortor erat. Praesent interdum ullamcorper felis quis sodales.
This is for you. If you truly seek revenge, Untie the scarlet thread from his neck. I will take your tormentor and deliver his soul straight into the depths of hell. However, once vengeance has been served, You must deliver on your end of the bargain. There always has to be a price, and so when you die Your soul will also belong to hell.