* underneath
the mask
* underneath
the mask
* underneath
the mask
Mayu had been just 7 years old when an entertainment company marched up to her, scaring the wits out of the young girl and asked her to audition for their company where she would be trained to become an idol. For a 7-year-old kid, she should've been afraid but she wasn't. Instead, she took the card and maturely said she would think about it. After a couple of days and after much persuasion from her friends, she finally agreed to audition but not to be an idol, she auditioned to be a model which she passed and became a child model. Now, after 11 years, she is still a model but more famous than ever for her cute and odd expressions.

Although Mayu is a famous model, she never lets the fame get to her head. She's humble, kind and friendly. However, like everyone else she too has her bad points. Sometimes, she can be rather hot-headed and impatient.