Personal Message


My Life, My Story

My Life, My Story


That's me, cutie sunshine and main rapper  + lead vocalist of HelLO VEnus


-- being weird, random and harmlessly pranking people since the 19th of January 1993

-- gifted the name of Kim Hye Lim, but you can call me Lime

-mess my hair up (i don't mind much) at 169cm

-- loves fruit juice, salads... anything healthy~ oh and cookies too OuO

-- i'm a weirdo, pretty lame and dumb at times.. yeah so just bear with me >~<

-- sometimes naggy and health-conscious

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kang jun...-talk or stalk?-i miss you.

`status: n o t i n t e r e s t e d

`orientations t r a i g h t


`eyecandy: none at the moment

`thoughts: i thought you'd stay...



            name  ♥ group ♥ since: --/--/--non_avatar.jpg






in the LIMElight

hurt them and i'll hurt you >_>


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YooyoungYoo AraNaraLimeYoonjoAlice



Enjoy looking at the prettiful me~ :3








 ♦ s p e c t r u m  a c a d e m y   roleplaying as the weird athlete/prankster lime

