Personal Message

Be  the  best  that  you can be.

Never  give  up.

Be  c onfident  in  everything  that  you  do!

And  most  of  all . . . never  deprive  yourself  of  delicious  foods and desserts -- because  life  would  not  be  life  without them.





▬▬▬ Im Yoona임윤아▬▬▬

Fire  &  Water  Bender

     ∞ I am... ┊  Yoona (Nicknames: Yoong/Legs/Shorty)
     ∞ Entered the world on ┊ May 30th, 1990 ∞ 25 years young
     ∞ Towering Over/Cowering Under You At ┊ 167 cm/5'6

     ∞ Relationship status ┊ Taken
     ∞ Taken by ┊ Zhoumi
     ∞ ual Orientation ┊ Straight

     ∞ Status ┊Performer



About me.... hmm, I would say I'm nice and normally gentle. Pretty naive at times, too. My reaction is slow sometimes, and I can get to be childish and silly if I'm hyper or in a super duper good mood. But I got good grades when I was in school, despite having slow reactions and being naive! Sometimes I'm short-tempered, and I'm not fun to be around when I'm angry, but I don't get angry very often at all. And I love making new friends, and this Circus has made awesome memories!

I hope that we can become great friends!! (^_-)-☆