Personal Message
Jaejoong is the princess of the IceLand kingdom and he grew up with a family that always looked after him and never let him do many things that they thought that it could be dangerous for him.
Even if he wanted to try and do new things he never was allowed so he grew up more in the castle and saw just some persons where there were some meeting or a ball where he had to go but still couldn't talk too much with others as his parents would put some soldiers to be always beside him or watch him.
As he grew older Jaejoong wanted more and more to talk with others and make friends but not always was possible to get out of the castle and walk where he wanted.
At the age of 28 he started to get worry because his parents started to think about his marriage but as he never met many persons the only thing about what he could think was that they will arrange a marriage for him.
Status : single || takes || crushing || in love ||
Orientation: straight || bi || gay
I love you
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
messagetolover messagetolover messaget lover
→Person about who I care