
mood ➝ 012345 // eargasm  EXO-Overdose // eyegasm  Chen // craving  YourKisses // thoughts  My World Just Got A Whole Lot Brighter~

kim joonmyeon

kim joonmyeon

kim joonmyeon  may.22.1991  173cm  type AB

❝ life is only a path full of efforts 
I lived an average life until I found out I had powers.
Throughout my years, I've been attacked by greedy
cravers for power. Recently, I almost gave up. I'm 
glad I didn't. I wouldn't have ever met him.

❝ you asked me where did I come from 
I was born in Seoul, my life was very normal, considering my parents hid my powers from me. Throughout the hardships of life, I didn't expect myself
to be fighting for my life. I think I'm kind and I know I will respect you if you respect me. So don't get on my bad side. ((PLEASE NO ONE-LINERS. or at least don't do it too much))

❝ do what you like, not what you want 
I love singing, no matter what. I have a desire to be on stage but never got the chance to. I wasn't allowed to.
Now, I'm free.

❝ my eyes naturally follow you every time you walk 
Taken by Chen // Homoual // Kim Jongdae // siince April 16, 2014
It's like you're nailed into my heart,
My world is filled with you,
I can't stand it for a single day,
You're an addiction I don't want to escape.
I Need You.


❝ perhaps friendship does last a lifetime 

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