Personal Message
The name is Suho, your very own
AB      Resident $lutho     176cm
19912205        Vocal Trainer       Gay


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All the guys ➥  be jealous of me.
The day Suho was asked to join the fraternity was the happiest time of his life. He hadn't bothered to do more research on it or even rethink about his decision before he applied and soon he was accepted. He liked it.
His parents had told him that he was the most handsome person of them all but when he entered the university he realized tht he wasn't. His eyes had caught the sight of some many others that were more beautiful than he was. They were all molded from the hands of god, he had thought once. That was also a reason he wanted to get into the fraternity, because of the angel like beings that resided there. 
The other reason that he thought he was getting into the fraternity was because of his wealth, technically it was his parent's wealth. He had lived off rices ever since he was born. So that could be one. 
But Suho knew for sure that no one was there to compete wth him for the brains part. He was the smartest. Always ranking in the top 3 students. Maybe that was the reason he recieved his letter? He is still curious as to why he recieved it in the first place. 
Suho's personality is very drawn out. He indulges in thinking too much about a situation and is a very sentimental kind of guy. He is often quite around others but when he is adjusted to the environement he will cherish every moment of the time. That's his side at school. 
At the fraternity house, he is completely opposite.  He takes part in everything that he is not usually show as. He is not the most innocent of them all, he makes his life a party. He drinks at times and has with people who he might find hot without any reason. There might be more personalities that he is willing to show only a few people. Care to find them out? 


Just for now RolePlaying With!
-KaiHo : Walls (Pool) 
-KrisHo : Calculus Class
-BaekSuMin : Kitchen
-TaoHo : Living Room
-YifanHo : Pool
-XiuHo : Bathroom
-JongHo : Game Room
-SuChen : Walls (Parteeh)
-SuLay : Walls (Free Night)
-SuXing : Home Sauna
- SuSoo : Walls (Food play)

HappyTogetherForever Plots!

Plots plots plots 





