Personal Message
Name: Hongbin
Age: 20
uality: Biual
Experience level 3
Job: sideshow freak (half snake)
Additional job: cook


Birth name: Lee Hong-Bin
Date of birth: September 29, 1994
Nicknames: 'beast', 'snake boy', 'the reptile', 'Godzilla'
Blood Type: B
Height: 181cm
Weight: 62kg
Eyecandy: Chris's performance
Eargasm: Eternity
Craving: Popcorn
Likes: kind people, those who don't , making people smile
Dislikes: liars, those who judge him


Like other people Hongbin went to school, learned, made friends, and all that jazz that happens in elementary. But he had a dark secret. The doctors never knew what it was or why it happened but this angelic face was the owner of what most called a hideous body. At the age of eight is when he began growing the scales due to a horrible and rare disease. They grew all over his torso, luckily never daring to touch his legs but they did mangle his arms. At school he was extremely popular, girls would swoon from his every smile, guys would always be asking to hang out with him which he was always up to oblige to. One day he decided that since everyone seemed to like him and accept him that he wouldn't hide anymore. But the girls that once called him cute called him a freak. The guys that once wanted to hang out with him shoved him inside a locker and dumped him into a trash can like every jock would do in Hollywood to the nerd. Hongbin had gone from the kingka of the school to the freak of the school in seconds. His principal even told his parents he was required to wear a sweatshirt/jacket at all times to cover his...differences. Eventually he grew sick of it, the nicknames and constant teasing so he ran away. Where to you may ask? To the circus of course. While being stuck in a glass box isn't exactly the best way of living it was better from his old life because at least their was a barrier. But of course being in a box does eventually get to someone's head and he slowly went insane, acting vicious and animalistic but only when 'monster' was in control. The only people he likes are his fellow circus people. And since the circus needed a few helping hands ex Football star and playboy helps in the kitchen, preparing meals for the crew. And he was a decent cook, for a looney and shy snake boy. Despite the new life and kinder people he is rumored to be mute, since he almost never talks nowadays. With no one to tell his story hardly anyone knows what he went through. Most of his sentences are single word sentences like 'ugly', 'pretty', 'nice', or 'yum'. He's even rumored to be stupid but those who know his story defend him, telling them to leave him alone hence Hongbin get scared and runaway to his tent and not come out for hours. Not even to eat. Will you learn to love the snake boy? Or push him away like everyone else?
Status: Taken
Taken by: Chris Kain Do
Orientation: Biual


To my lover,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut accumsan congue neque, a posuere nulla posuere vel.Donec dapibus lectus eu justo accumsan, nec sodales nibh sollicitudin. Maecenas eget massa vel sem sagittis molestie et eget lectus. Morbi ultrices elementum semper. Nulla et laoreet eros, ut porttitor ligula. Nullam sapien sapien

My precious friends,

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