Personal Message
Lee Taemin
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full nameLee Taemin
date of birth18071993
timezoneGMT +1
김밥 안에있는 오이는 코카콜라에 부어 진 쌀을 먹는 것과 같다.
そば に いるよ
もしも まだ きみ に であえなければ
いま ぼくわ なに を してたん だろう
あい の いみ さえ わからない まま
どこ で まよって たん だろう
こみあげる おもい を うまく
ことば に できない けど
きみと なら わかり あえる
いま までも ずっと これ からも
すべて の あい を きみ に
かぎり ない かんしゃ を きみ に
ひとみ から ながれた ほし に
ちか おう ずっと そば に
そば に いる よ、
そば に いる よ
はて しない ゆめ を
おいかけ ながら
とまらず に あし を ふみだした
きみ の えがおだけ しんじ つずけて
きずけば こんあ ばしょ に いる
ひとり じゃ みられない けしき を
ひとみ から ながれた ほし に
ちか おう ずっと そば に
そば に いる よ、
そば に いる よ
きょう も きみ を わすれない
どんあ みらい が まって いたって
そな あい ご もっと ぼく を
つよく する から
すべて の あい を きみ に
かぎり ない かんしゃ を きみ に
ひとみ から ながれた ほし に
ちか おう ずっと そば に
そば に いる よ、
そば に いる よ
genreup for any
random information
When meeting new people taemin can be quiet and more to himself, but after getting to know you he will be more talkactive and would start making jokes around you, to try and get you to laugh. if Taemin likes being around you, he will make sure that you'll know, if he doesn't like being around you, he will try to be subtle with letting you know.

Taemin loves dogs, he himself has two puppies, Adam and eve, both male, but is extremely afraid of bugs, especially those giant moths. taemin has an extreme love and passion for dancing, he also enjoys watching movies and sharing a meal with friends, he loves doing fun things with his friends, like going to the movies, clubbing or playing pool. taemin dislikes lying, but prefers his privacy above anything, even if he has to lie about certain things to keep his privacy, he will.

taemin is a christian, not a believer, if you don't know the difference, look it up or ask him about it, he tries to go to church as often as he can but sometimes he has too many activities.

Overall taemin is a great friend, and will always be loyal to you and be there for you, whenever you need him you can call him and he;'ll be there, even at 3 am. but if you betray him he will easily let go of you.
date260514 / 070215
I am not good with words or expressions, and that might be one of the reasons that letters from my side will surprise you even more. Today is the day that I want to thank you for every effort that you have put into our relationship to work. I know I have never before appreciated your effort or expressed my feelings for you, but that doesn't lessen my affection for you. I cannot put the right words and get romantic at the go, but I think that once in a while I must express my loving self to you, therefore is this letter, so that you do not feel depressed, always remember, that I love you, even if I do not come up with saying 'I love you' often. You have done so much for me and our children will never find a better mother than you. With you by my side, all my worries seem to be at ease as you make me smile, always, and take over my worries. It's just a reminder of my love, respect, admiration, and care for you. Love me always, like you do now, and never let me go. my life is incomplete without you, I love you.
Your husband.


Taejung and Taesoo,      rsz_tumblr_n3bd8p26r01rtl2c3o1_1280_zps4
Born on the 13th of
December 2014
Ever since Taemin was able to walk, dancing has been a big part of his life, he couldn't go even one day without training for his dream, becoming a professional dancer, singer and entertainer. When Taemin joins SMTOWN as a trainee around the age of eleven, he starts his long lasting journy of long days, filled with training and 7 years of performing, entertaining and long days later, Taemin has become one of the greatest, hardworking and admired dancers and entertainers, living everyday to its fullest, Taemin couldn't do anything else than enjoy.
TO: taemin
taem oppa~~ i'm glad that you're my partner~ i'm sorry if i'm so quiet and awkward sometimes. but i really enjoying my day with you~ thanks for brighten up my day, oppa~ n_n
From Krystal, Delivered by Xiumin



*rolls in your wall and never roll out*
Heyo My hottie fiance~~ this innocent fiance of yours is invaded your wall because she can~ xDD  kidding oppa~ chorong unnie help me with this~
i only want to say that i 'm so sorry for always started a fight with you~ it's really hurt everytime we have argue about something.not really important. one more thing please have enough rest or you gonna be sick, oppa~
please keep all of this in your mind okay~ and let me tell you the words you always wanted to hear~ soojungie love you so so so so much, Taemin oppa!!