Personal Message
..damned if i do
mood: 3/5
Mentally Unstable with a Criminal Record.
When he was born he was raised under a cold heartless household. He was locked up til he ten. One day when he was mother was coming down to bring him food, she saw before her beauty. She stopped her husband and took down her son from the wall they kept him chained to. She took much better care of him after. Covering his permanent scars with makeup and dressing him well. She started taking him to school but under a threat "never say where you've been or its the basement for you my beauty." He learned pretty quick having gotten beat for every F he'd recieve.
He was still pretty sane til he reached 11 after all he never considered killing them, simply to run away. At 12 his mother announced to him that she was having a baby girl. And that was when he made his plan. Take her and run away never let her know what world I lived in. But when his drunken father had pushed his mother down the stairs for not folding his clothes correctly, she had lost his last bit of sanity. And when he was 13 he snapped.
For three days he kept them alive and killed them when he got bored. They slowly watched him fold into the twisted monster they created over the years of they're abuse. And the last thing his mother uttered was im sorry before he killed her. He stayed in that awful house for a week getting a grip. After all he needed to remember to act sane. Then he positioned they're bodies and burned them down along with the house. He left and went by the name GD never revealing much about himself.
He meet a lovely girl named Soohyun and at first thought he could love her. But he never wanted to touch her, to lay with her like a man. And so she cheated on him. She claimed to still love him but the betrayal was to much. And he went and slit her throst while giving her one last kiss. He did this to 20 other woman thay looked similar to her before getting caught. He was then considered insane and taken here. 
damned if i don't..


My sanity stays only for you ~ ♥
Message to Lover
Hyunnie! I had the biggest crush on my doctor ~ But i would've never tired because I didn't think someone so perfect would go for someone so flawed! I promise to follow your three wishes for me. Thank you for telling me you loved me in such a beautiful way. You gave me reason to live despite it all. I promise to always smile at you if you promise to love me the exact way you do now, but for good. Your love means so much I could never take it for granted I promise to always be as sane as I get when im with you. I'll never show you a act of violence only love. I wish I had met you before it all who knows I could've been your housewife! I wish to be someone you'll be proud of that you'll show off on your arm as yours. And so I shall work my way to that point. But you, stay perfect , I wouldn't want you to change in any way! I love you ~♥
dating since Adam and Eve opened their eyes and see reality
We couldn't make it possible without the interference of our lovely friends namely:


        Plot Ideas
        THE CALMER (3/4); Around you he's actually quite pleasent. But this only works if your disfigured, blind, friendly worker, or deaf. His pleasent and protective which is bad for those who upset you. But even when you upset him he's still quite friendly to you. Because people notice his calmness around you, most talk to him if your there. And since he doesn't want to be violent and have you fear him alot will nip pick at him. But never try to push him past his limits because away from you he still pays them back. Certain workers may get you to help them if he's in a sour mood, but you heard how badly he can get and don't mind unless your in a sour mood to. How you became like this? Maybe he was fighting and you reasoned him out then saw he was a good guy? Maybe you were being cornered and he saw himself in you and defended you? Or he was just bored and decided to befriend you? That part Is for you to decide.
        BIG BROTHER(0/2); The first part is for girls i'll put when its for guys. Your very cute and friendly and innocent of his past of killing women. And despite his distaste for most, he actually seems to like you. Not to the point of love of course he's far to into guys to love you. But he sees you as a little sister that he was glad had died at birth. And so he calls you princess and bows when he sees you and does as you ask. As a result guards rely on you heavily to keep him under control. But everyone knows not to tell you his past he warned of death to them. He doesn't want his image as a big brother to be ruined. Now this Is for the guys (1/2); You were always being messed with and he over hears something that he doesn't quite like. And as a result scares them off for you. Because you look so cute and defenseless he enjoys taking care of you and insists that you call him oppa. He's always real gentle with you and others associates with you for he's careful not to do something to upset you. So if you introduce him to some one he'll be descent to them as well. Hearing his past your confused why he chose you to be this way with. But you love it nonetheless.
        Angel (0/4); This is strictly for the girls. When he was ten his mother was pregnant and gonna have a beautiful girl. Despite his hate for his parents he had planned to run away with his sister. He wanted her to stay innocent and pure to never know what type of parents they had. But his father ruined it all in a drunken rage. He had pushed his mother down the stairs and she had started to bleed. Jiyong refused to let her be touched by his father and took his mother to the hospital. But was told that she had died. Sometimes when he's low its because he thinks about her. And so when he saw you he calls you angel and tried to find a way to sneak them out of there. Amd when he fails he crystals and apologizes for not being able to protect you. And so you get him at his most valuable.
        Attracted (0/4); He's gay soooo yeah only guys. Its all physical attractions for you to. You just can't seem to stay away from one another. He foes it however you like for he's not picky just as long as he's satisfied. You can be either a friend or just a buddy for one thing. How your relationship goes outside the bed room is for you to decide, he doesn't mind you though. But if you don't want love don't worry he's not attached to those he messes with. But this is a good start if you want his twisted heart. Just don't except a change over night or you'll be disappointed. That will take time.
        Infatuation: (0/4); This is for workers only. Since he's always acting differently you find yourself constantly watching him. You always ask how he'll react to real life problems, read books to see what he likes, play music, bring outside food. And why you do these things you yourself don't know. Maybe you wanna write a book on him? Maybe he speaks to different from others sane but insane and it interests you? Maybe you wanna give enough positive stimuli and see if you can get him sane enough to ask how he feels about what he's done? Will the reason for your infatuation is yours to decide.
        Death (0/4); Only for Patients. Your tired of this place. You've thought through suicide and even attempted but found yourself unable to. You know he's the only one there capable of doing it quick or painless and so you try to provoke him. But he sees through it and ditches before the kill. After you just plain beg and he always abuses you but never gives you what you wish his excuse "you want the red so I cannot give it." You slowly see there's a second reason but don't know why. Does he want to befriend you? Maybe alittle attraction? Thats for you to decide.
        The One (1/1); You have reached the heart that most believed didn't exist. You found a loyal, gentle, and sweet lover. He'll do ANYTHING for you. He tends to get jealous and sometimes it brings out that violent side. But he'll never raise a hand to you. You still see slips of that odd self but he's more or less sane around you. Your the one person he'll protect over himself, the one that'll smile or constantly try to keep you happy. But if you ever reach this point you better stay as loyal and loving as him. Because if you break this twisted heart things may get worse for those around. Do if he lets you hold his heart never let it go.