Personal Message

Name: Kim JongDae

Age: 20

Orientation: gay

Flawed - Harmless

Reason There: Mute&Depressed

Background: When JongDae was young, his mother died in a car crash. His father was the other driver but survived. He blamed himself but took out his anger onto JongDae. He was beat almost everyday and night. There were times where he almost got as well.(Though he never did.) One day, his beatings of a night before was so hard that he was emitted into a hospital because a blow to his head gave him an unknown concussion. While he was at school, he passed out after being hit by a ball during P.E. The ball had hit him so hard, at the same injury that caused him to get a brain malfunction. Making him lose his voice and become mute. The doctor said he could still try to get it back, but no matter how much hard work he put into trying to regain his voice, his efforts were always a fail and caused him major headaches. It took a toll on him and caused him to be depressed for he had always wanted to become a singer. Singing had been his life until it was taken away from him so suddenly. His friends, being concerned for him, sent him to the asylum, fearing that he'd hurt himself, again, terribly because he had, already, once tried to hang himself.