dont be fooled.
as icy as i am, being melted is a dream.
Byunghun is an athlete 'prodigy', as his parents say. He's good in sports such as football and hockey, though he has a greater passion. Dance. His parents disagree to that, saying that it won't pay well in his future. His father took away his privileges like his money to rent dance studios like he used to though Byunghun is a bit smarter than that. He had been collecting money since he was younger so he's been secretly going with those savings. He comes home late since he's usually around town, finding new dance studio venues when his parents think he's out at the gym or at a girl's house, things they actually want their son to do, which is to be a normal jock. They think performing arts is for nerds and people who have no interest in becoming successful. So through a sign of rebellion, Byunghun decides to go by L.Joe and dye his hair from time to time. Despite his cold exterior, Byunghun is quite lovable. Though he can be a flirt and a sleaze to match the cliché of what a jock is, he's actually a charming guy. One just has to crack the ice holding him back from being that way.
varsity jock
march 13th
the one // [name] - [oneslot-closedatm-boyorgirl]
[ this spot is reserved for my special person. ]
Byunghun fell for you. You cracked his shell and had gotten to him. He will cherish you till the end of time.
Byunghun fell for you. You cracked his shell and had gotten to him. He will cherish you till the end of time.
Secret keeper // [name] - [oneslot-open-boyorgirl]
The only one Byunghun can trust to talk to and share whatever emotions he's feeling. You're the one he'll turn to if he needs help or even if he just needs to talk. You know most of his secrets.
fake date // [name] - [oneslot-open-girl]
Byunghun's parents think Byunghun's this popular jock at school, though the complete opposite. Supposedly he's supposed to have a girlfriend, even if he thinks he bends both ways. You are his fake girlfriend for the time being.
Little brother // [name] - [fewslots-open-boy]
Byunghun once saw you alone so he approached you. Since that day, he's been taking care of you like a little brother. He'll buy you food, give you a ride home, care for you and etc.
bender // [name] - [oneslot-open-boy]
Byunghun once saw you walking down the hallway. Ever since then, he's been intrigued and confused about which side he bends towards.
love & hate // [name] - [fewslots-open-boyorgirl]
Byunghun's very clumsy. Maybe he has accidentally thrown a ball in your way, bumped into you or even stepped on your shoes. You dont necessarily like him because of that though some times you debate otherwise.
tutor // [name] - [oneslot-open-boyorgirl]
Byunghun's not that good in some subjects so his parents had asked for you to teach him privately every week. You two get closer because of that.