Personal Message
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pretium lectus eget pretium mattis. Sed in interdum massa. Proin volutpat interdum hendrerit. Nam feugiat a eros at pellentesque. Nunc posuere tortor nec sem ullamcorper, vitae rutrum massa luctus.
I . II . III . IV . V
【 xoxo -J】
ohohoho, hey there, my person. i have just dropped by to say that i love you a lot, kays? hmm, you are an awesome surgeon. the best out of all the bests tbh! what else to say, well- thank you for being here for me all the time, i really appreciate it. let's keep this hospital active, hm? uh- okaaaay i think this lame msg will end soon, cos i don't know what else to say. haha. oh and tell me when my 2young couple will happen, deal? love you my cristina yang. muaaahhh. hugs & kisses - your person, sooyeon
![credit to fanyhoney @ tumblr. tumblr_n0t7l8KNW71rfxiz2o1_500.gif](
I'll take care of your heart
Ayo the name is Hwang Miyoung, MD. But you can call me Fany too since it's my nickname obviously. I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon, I am certain that I am the best in what I do. I'm not bragging but I worked for this job so hard so I know I am. So if I'm your doctor there's no need to worry because I promise that I'll do my best to save your life! Well anyways, I am friendly so don't hesitate to talk to me. Come say hi hoho :)