Personal Message
Lackadaisical, cheerful, a little odd, but endlessly friendly, Zhang Yixing is perhaps the best person in the Cirque to speak with if you want to kill time and wax philosophical. Intuitive, observant, and eternally distracted, he's always got the best scoop on what's going on in and around the circus since he has the perfect observation point working in his little vending stall. Zhang Yixing, occasionally moonlighting under the nickname Lay (which he perhaps received due to his alarming addiction to potato chips, but he doesn't remember the origin story of the nickname) is an easy going person, almost to the point of being completely and utterly lackadaisical. With little motivation keeping him going throughout the day, Yixing tends to prefer to sit around and thumb through magazines over actually doing any real work, which is why he works as a vendor within the Cirque. It's a rough job before and after the show starts, but during the actual show he can usually sit back and relax or catch a little cat nap in his vending stall. Typically distracted by his own strange thoughts, catching Yixing's attention is a constant struggle as he tends to contemplate the meaning of life and how best to approach the customers because apparently shouting "Hey want to come look at my lightstick," or, even worse, "I've got the juciest sausages in the entire Cirque here," at customers is hardly appropriate. Yixing is kind, gentle, easy going, and perhaps a little thoughtless when he speaks. But his heart is in the right place, even if his mind usually isn't.  
Zhang Yixing grew up in a modest home, with "artsy" hippie parents that preached about the value of justice and friendship and how the power of love conquered all, which sounds corny and straight out of Sailor Moon, but little Yixing took it very seriously. He spent the first part of his life travelling the world and going on "peace" trips with his parents, where they basically walked and backpacked all over the place helping people with whatever they needed as they encountered on their journey. When they went missing on a volunteer trip during Lay's senior year of high school, the young man dropped out and went to join the local circus with dreams of traveling the world and doing something interesting with his life-- Yixing knew he'd never cut it as an office worker, so his best viable option was to do something worthwhile and amazing. And what little kid didn't dream of getting shot out of a cannon? However, his crippling latent fear of heights shot that dream down, ending with Yixing semi-contentedly manning the sales tents.