Personal Message
Kim Jaejoong
Puppetmaster - House owner - Founder
About Me
As the Puppetmaster, Jaejoong has a lot of responsibilites. He has to take care of his dolls, make sure everything goes smoothly, get guests and money inside and all in all, has the House to run. That wasn't always the case, though. Before he rolled into this business, he had a normal life, with a well-paying job and all in all a careless life, all dedicated to his job. His father was CEO of one of the greatest companies in Korea. Money never was a problem. That was, until he met Key. Key changed him, made him see another side of life. The fun side, the exciting side, the side that never got boring no matter how many times he got a taste of it. But Dolls were expensive; more expensive than Jaejoong himself could afford. That's why he used his father's creditcard. Long story short, his father disowned him and he had nothing left, except that one Doll. What to do when you both have to hide from society's eyes? Right: You hide. So did they, hiding in Dollhouses, after a few years finally having enough money to start a House of their own.
Jaejoong's all in all a fair, right person. He knows what's wrong and what's right and acts accordingly. He will always try to please a Guest, since the money is coming from them, but won't do that if it goes against the wellbeing of one of his slaves. He'd seen it all; the terror, the horror, the fear. Yes, he would use pretty cruel punishments too, but hey - it were Dolls. If they didn't stay in line, the consequences are huge. Love him if he's your friend, fear him if he's your enemy: He can turn from overly sweet tot cold and merciless in a flit second if necessary.
Name: Kim Jaejoong | Orientation: Gay |
Age: 28 | Relationship Status: Single |
Gender: Male | Occupation: House owner |
Out of Character
Time Zone: +1 GMT | Status: Active |
Online Availability: Pretty much the whole day | Writing Style: Detailed first, 3rd mirror (para-multi para) |
Disclaimer: Possible Mature content will be present. |